Tuesday 12 July 2011

WHO links Cell Phones and Cancer

World Health Organization links Cell Phones and Cancer.
Cell phone use may cause cancer, the World Health Organization announced Tuesday.
There is not enough long-term data to link cancer and cell phone use directly, reported a
group of 31 scientists from 14 countries. But there is enough information to issue an alert.

With Tuesday's announcement, WHO now groups cell phones in the same hazard category
as chloroform, lead, and engine exhaust.

While, it’s not practically possible to stop using cell phones, we can certainly minimize its use and take following precautions.
1.       Do not use cell phone for voice calls when battery is at last bar.
2.       Do not use cell phone for voice calls when it is being charged.
3.       When buying a cell phone, look for one with lower SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). Several sites list this info. http://www.sarshield.com/english/radiationchart.htm , http://sar.nokia.com/sar/index.jsp     
4.       For long duration calls, use wired ear/headphones
5.       Texting is safer – use it as a substitute where possible
6.       Let children use cell phones only if absolutely critical. They are at much higher risk since their skulls are still in developing stage.

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